In the words of Sanni Favour, one of the ambassadors of the Asido Campus Network, University of Ibadan, "There are many people in the society who really don’t know the consequences of abusing drugs. Surprisingly, they are willing to listen and change if educated properly." It is for this reason that the Nigerian Red Cross Society, University College Hospital, in partnership with the Asido Campus Network, University of Ibadan, decided to have a walk against drug abuse and illicit trafficking to sensitise people about the evils of drug abuse.

The walk, which started from the University College Hospital(UCH), Ibadan, began at 9 am on 29th October, 2022. With placards bearing different messages on drug abuse, the volunteers walked to Agodi Gates Park while engaging people and encouraging them to desist from abusing drugs.
Volunteers discussed with market women, drivers and other people going about their work at the park, and the discussions were done in Yorùbá, pidgin and English depending on the language better understood by the individual. It was quite a learning experience for the volunteers as well as they learnt various slangs for drugs in local dialects.

Akinjare David, one of the volunteers, talking about his experience on the walk said, "It was an enlightening experience. My take-home point will be that more action needs to be taken on reducing the availability of these substances. More effort should be made towards the regulation of these substances in the society. I also discovered I’m really good at pidgin".

The walk was overall effective and we look forward to having more awareness campaigns on drug abuse and illicit trafficking as we shed more light on mental health issues.

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This was written by Olaoluwaposi Ogunlana, student of Medicine & Surgery, University of Ibadan, although they are not his personal experiences. When he is not writing about mental health, you can find him daydreaming about drinking iced tea in the Bahamas.